themselves chewed up in my territory! I was impressed. He knows what hes doing all right. And, of course, any check and Ive run several on his financial arrangements shows that they are completely above board and within the law. He sighed.
So youve no temptation or inclination to close Madame Flora down?
Not at the moment. I like to have the buggers where I can see them! But this is India. Lots of randy young blokes about. Lots of randy old blokes too! The air of Simla affects young and old alike, as youll find if you havent already.
If we raided the place you might find some empty chairs at the next meeting of the Legislative Council? suggested Joe.
Certainly! Embarrassing, what!
From the eminence of the clientele I would guess that the place is well run?
Come on a raid with me, if you like. See for yourself. No expense spared, youll find. Its run with the efficiency of a top-class hotel and the decor is sumptuous all red plush, gilt mirrors and subdued lighting, rude but expensive paintings on the wall, you know the sort of thing.
And the girls?
Something for every taste. European, Eurasian, local girls from the hills. All beautiful. And none under-age or sick or coerced as far as I can establish. They know Id be down on them like a ton of bricks! And in such an establishment you wouldnt prosper on the North-West Frontier if boys werent available too for anyone who likes his vices versa.
Good Lord! said Joe. There are huge possibilities for blackmail here.
Oh yes. No cases reported to me yet but if I put my mind to it I could think of at least six eminent persons in Simla at this moment whose reputations hang by a thread.
And bribery? Has Troop attempted
First thing he did. So discreetly I couldnt pin anything on him but Im sure an offer was made to me. My response left him in no doubt as to where I stood! But it happens all the time.
And where is this bordello?
Its cleverly located! Its in the Lower Bazaar but just off the Mall and down an alleyway between two popular shopping areas. Any lady spotting her husband down there wouldnt suspect a thing. Shed assume he was on his way to the Stephanatos Emporium to buy himself some cigars or to Latifs brass foundry to order the taps shed been nagging for for months. Or and this is the best bit Carter gave a cheerful smile, she might even guess that he was about to buy her a bouquet of roses.
Yes! Would you believe the cheek! The front for this operation is actually a flower shop! Madame Floras, you see! You enter innocently into a flower shop but if your tastes run to more exotic blooms you are shown into the back and up the stairs.
This Flora what do you know of her?
Very little. Mysterious woman. Never appears in public wouldnt be received, naturally. Shes French or pretends to be! Im no expert but the accent has always seemed to be just a little bit ooh-lŕ-lŕ to my ear. Late twenties, very pretty, perfect manners. She just appeared in Simla out of the blue, under the protection of Edgar Troop, and opened up. With instant success. The money and it must have taken a fair bit to launch the business must have been hers. Troop was never in that league financially.
Joe sighed. Well, this is all very fascinating but where does it leave us as far as our murders are concerned?
Madame Flora was firmly established and doing well about six months before Lionel Conyers appeared or failed to appear in Simla so Id say absolutely no connection if it werent for Reggie Sharpe. Hes the connection. Drinking companion and client of Edgar Troops establishment
every reason to want Lionel dead
perhaps Troop is branching out into the bespoke killing business.
But the Russian? How does he fit in?
Carter shrugged. Im still not convinced that he does. From any angle, Sandilands, you still
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