frightening proposition, was to call his father.If he did not do it, Thompson would.
To the first, he told her he had no desire to return to class.
As for calling his father, Rex replied, “I don’t want to go back home. I have so much work to do.”
From 1978 to 1979 Rex Krebs’s behavior began to change. He began to lash out at his father for the abusive treatment. He got into a lot of trouble for it.
In 1979 he snuck out of the house without his father’s knowledge. This time, instead of having nothing in his possession,Rex grabbed a ski mask and a butcher knife. He walked down Colburn Culver Road to twelve-year-old Roseann Littlejohn’s trailer home, where she lived with her mother. As he walked up to the trailer, he noticed there were no lights on. He managed to jimmy open the door to the vehicleand silently slipped inside. Rex found his way into one of the two bedrooms, which turned out to be little Roseann’s room. He crouched down in the closet, laid the knife beside his leg, and began to masturbate.
He was in this same position when Roseann and her mother returned home. The Littlejohns screamed in fear when they turned on the trailer light and found Rex in a compromisingposition holding the knife. Their screams terrified him. He thought he could get away with this peccadillo since no one was home. Frightened, he bolted out of the closet, streaked out of Roseann’s bedroom, and ran out of the Littlejohntrailer home.
The following day, the police brought him in.
Roseann’s mother, though terrified and upset, decided not to press charges on one condition: Allan Krebs take his son in for psychological counseling to determine why he committedsuch a horrible deed.
Krebs agreed.
The commitment was short-lived. Allan stopped taking Rex to the counselor after only one visit. He believed the psychologisttried to examine him and not Rex. Allan called Connie and told her he would not attend any more sessions with Rex. He informed her that it was her responsibility now. She refused and Rex never went back to counseling. Apparently,the Littlejohns were unaware of this.
One year later, in July 1980, when Rex was fourteen, he got into trouble for making obscene phone calls to a woman named Betty. He then called another woman and described the sexual things he wanted to do to her. This woman turned out to be his aunt. She told Allan what Rex had said and Allan beat the living tar out of his son.
Over the next year Rex continued to get into trouble and his father continued to beat him. He continued to get into fights at school with the other kids. Sometimes he started the fights, instead of being the one picked on. He also stole money from his father’s secret cash stash. Allan Krebs claimed his son stole more than $1,000 that year.
The cycle continued until Rex screwed up one too many times.
On February 20, 1981, Rex stormed out of his home. He was “ticked off at his dad” and feeling rather feisty. He had taken a BB gun with him and decided to pay his next-door neighbors a visit. Rex did not like the patriarch of the Benda family. He believed Arnold Benda treated Rex’s family with disdain and looked down his nose at them.
Rex walked up to the Benda home and opened fire with the BB gun. He shot out a window and then broke into the empty home. While inside, Rex grabbed a few items, including a bag of marbles, a calculator, a .22 pistol, and some other small items. As with his break-in at the Littlejohn trailer home, Rex claimed to be very nervous while inside the home. He ran outside with the stolen goods and immediately tossed some of them across the road. He took some of the other items with him to school the next day. Rex gave the calculatorto a classmate by the name of Jay Newton. He kept the .22 for himself.
Later the next evening, Arnold Benda contacted Allan Krebs and accused Rex of breaking into his home. When asked by his dad if he was involved, Rex denied having anythingto do with it.
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