be okay if Lauren and I talked privately?”
A glance passed between the adults, then Walcher answered. “Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate. But in this case...” he threw his hand over his daughter’s shoulder. “... there’s been so much pressure. I don’t want Lauren to be burdened any more than she already is. I’m sure you understand.”
Georgia struggled to maintain a calm facade. “I do.” She prayed the words that came out of her mouth next sounded convincing. “But it’s hard for me to do my job if Lauren doesn’t feel comfortable and safe. She needs to know she’s not being measured or judged. Which is my goal. As a lawyer, sir, I’m sure you understand.”
Walcher got up and turned on another lamp, which threw a yellow pool of light into the room. It wasn’t totally dark outside, but the reflections of the four of them in the picture window obscured the view. “I do.” He smiled. “But my decision stands.”
Skirmish over. Walcher wins.
Georgia faked another smile. Andrea turned around and left the room. Lauren slouched in one of the wingback chairs. Throwing a jeaned leg over the arm, she swung it back and forth, as if she couldn’t be less interested in the conversation.
Georgia bypassed the preliminaries. “I know there were—difficulties—with Sara and some of her friends. Which might have played a role in what happened in the Forest Preserve.” She cleared her throat.
Lauren glanced at her father. “I don’t think I should be talking about that. With you.”
“Actually, I have no interest in that part of it. My concerns right now are just you girls. You. Heather. And Claire.”
Lauren didn’t say anything. Her leg continued to swing back and forth.
“There can often be a lot of embedded guilt after an experience like this. I want to make sure you know you did nothing to cause it.”
Lauren eyed her.
“Guilt can be the most destructive part of grief. If you are feeling it, I want you to feel free to own it, with me, your therapist, or anyone of your choosing.”
“I don’t feel guilty.” Lauren’s chin lifted. “And my parents are getting me a therapist.”
“I’m glad.” Georgia paused. “So the information I have isn’t true?”
“What information?”
Tom Walcher perched on the end of the sofa. He reminded Georgia of a tiger preparing to attack by feigning disinterest in its prey.
“That Sara came to the Forest Preserve specifically to talk to you.”
Lauren’s leg stopped swinging. A stunned look came over her.
Just then Georgia heard a voice from the kitchen. “Thank you. No, we’ll take care of it.” The phone was put down. Footsteps clacked, and Andrea Walcher came into the living room. All the way in, this time. Planting herself in front of the picture window, she glared at Georgia. “I just called Newfield. They haven’t hired any free-lance social workers, and they’ve never heard of anyone named Georgia Davis. Which means you’re impersonating someone you’re not.”
Georgia gulped air.
“So, who the hell are you and what do you want?”
ON THE way home, Georgia felt like counting her fingers and toes to make sure they were still there. When Andrea Walcher confronted her, she confessed she was a private investigator working for Cam Jordan. Tom Walcher’s face turned crimson, and he told her to get the hell out of their house. He also vowed to make Goddamned sure she never worked anywhere in the state if he ever found her within a hundred yards of their daughter. He would get a restraining order if he had to. Or take her to court.
She made a speedy exit.
Heading south on Sheridan Road, she slammed her fist on the steering wheel. She’d known it was risky. Why the hell did she do it? Now she had two enemies, and if Walcher followed through on his threats, she might be in deep shit. Particularly since Walcher implied he and Ramsey were pals. What would happen if word got back to the State’s Attorney about her
Karen Kendall
Clea Hantman
James R. Benn
Tad Williams
Neil M. Gunn
Tana French
Tori Spelling
Kasey Millstead, Rebecca Brooke, Vicki Green, Abigail Lee, Shantel Tessier, Nina Levine, Morgan Jane Mitchell, Casey Peeler, Dee Avila
Charlotte Stein
Elizabeth Buchan