with the
Poor President Roosevelt... he was very kind to me.
This time everything went well. I did the three Como shows with no
Bobby found out he would be discharged on June 19, so it was getting close. I called Gerry Danna, who couldn't believe I was going to marry
"that fat sergeant."
I told her, "I'm packing my clothes and on the night of June 18, give
me the secret whistle. I'll open my window and throw the bags out." My
window overlooked the driveway, and we had arranged a secret melody to
whistle as a signal.
She said, "I'm gonna get killed for this."
I said, "No, you won't. Just promise me you'll do it."
She said, "All right."
We then called Scotty and Murph and asked them to help us. The
four of us went down to pick up the car. Scotty and Murph said they'd
keep the car and we'd meet them on June 19.
Here's how it went: I got up early, around 7:00 A.M., walked in to my
mother's bedroom and kissed my mother, who was still sound asleep. Then
I left the house to walk to the bus stop. I waited there for Bobby to come in
from New York. Scotty and Murph were there, with our car and theirs. We
drove to Gerry's house and picked up my suitcases.
Gerry said, "Your mother called and wanted to know what was going
I lied and said, "I don't know."
"She sounded real mad."
We packed the car with my clothes. Poor Bobby had only one pair of
pants, a sport shirt, and a jacket. We then drove the two cars to city hall in
New York City. Scotty bought me a bouquet of flowers and a flower for Bobby's lapel. When the judge said, "If anyone here knows why these two
should not be joined in holy matrimony, let him now speak or forever hold
his peace," I held Bobby's hand so tight, I almost drew blood. I expected
my father to burst in and say, "No!" But nothing happened-and we were
married at 3:45 P.M., June 19, 1946.
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After we got married, we went outside to say thanks to Scotty and Murph
for standing up for us.
Murph said, "You better get going and get out of here fast."
Bobby said, "You're right. We're gonna stop in Trenton to see my
mother and sister. We'll probably stay in Philly overnight."
Hugs and kisses and off they went. I called my friend Judy Applebaum
in Philadelphia and told her I had gotten married. She almost jumped
through the phone.
I said, "Please make a reservation for us at the Sylvania Hotel-we're
staying overnight."
Judy said, "Sure thing, but I am going to throw you a wedding party."
I laughed and said, "Okay. I'll call you when we arrive."
We got into the car and we were off. I couldn't believe we were really
doing this.. .but I was happy. We stopped at Bobby's sister's house-my
new mother-in-law lived with her daughter and son-in-law. Everyone was
around the radio listening to the Joe Louis-Billy Conn fight.
Bobby said, "Hi, Mother. We're here and we're married."
They looked at us and said, "Great," and went back to the radio.
I said, "Aren't you going to wish us luck?"
They said, "Oh sure... yes... congratulations," and so on, and back to
the radio.
I said to Bobby, "Let's go."
His mother came over, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Make
him happy and I'm sure he'll make you happy. He's a good man."
I said, "I know. I'll do my best," and we were out of there.
We drove to Philly and went to the Sylvania Hotel. Judy and her
parents were in the lobby waiting for us.
Hugs and kisses. "We're so happy for you," Judy said. "Get changed,
we're going out for dinner and a party."
So we went upstairs and changed. We had a lovely room. Every time
I worked Philly, I stayed at the Sylvania, so they knew me. They all said,
"Congratulations." It was nice... it sort of made it special. After changing,
we came downstairs, met Judy and her folks, and went to Bookbinder's for
lobster. We had a ball. We ate lobster until it was coming out our ears. The
owner had a cake made with wedding bells and doves. It was so sweet.
Jonathan Aycliffe
Barbara Bradley Hagerty
Loren D. Estleman
Adam Williams
Dana Fredsti
Michaela Adams
Serena Yates
Talbot Mundy
Dara Girard
Horacio Castellanos Moya