And closer. “Being a doctor means everything to me.” And closer. “Please help me…”
One hour later, when Honey left his office, she had the answers to the next examination.
Before Honey was finished with medical school, she had seduced several of her professors. There was a help-lessness about her that they were unable to resist. They were all under the impression that it was they who were seducing her , and they felt guilty about taking advantage of her innocence.
Dr. Jim Pearson was the last to succumb to Honey.He was intrigued by all the reports he had heard about her. There were rumors of her extraordinary sexual skills. He sent for Honey one day to discuss her grades. She brought a small box of powdered sugar with her, and before the afternoon was over, Dr. Pearson was as hooked as all the others. Honey made him feel young and insatiable. She made him feel that he was a king who had subjugated her and made her his slave.
He tried not to think of his wife and children.
Honey was genuinely fond of the Reverend Douglas Lipton, and it upset her that his wife was a cold, frigid woman who was always criticizing him. Honey felt sorry for the minister. He doesn’t deserve that , Honey thought. He needs comforting.
In the middle of the night, when Mrs. Lipton was out of town visiting a sister, Honey walked into the minister’s bedroom. She was naked. “Douglas…”
His eyes flew open. “Honey? Are you all right?”
“No,” she said. “Can I talk to you?”
“Of course.” He reached for the lamp.
“Don’t turn on the light.” She crept into bed beside him.
“What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well?”
“I’m worried.”
“About what?”
“You. You deserve to be loved. I want to make love to you.”
He was wide awake. “My God!” he said. “You’re just a child. You can’t be serious.”
“I am. Your wife’s not giving you any love…”
“Honey, this is impossible! You’d better get back to your room now, and…”
He could feel her naked body pressing against his. “Honey, we can’t do this. I’m…”
Her lips were on his, and her body was on top of him, and he was completely swept away. She spent the night in his bed.
At six o’clock in the morning, the door to the bedroom opened and Mrs. Lipton walked in. She stood there, staring at the two of them, then walked out without a word.
Two hours later, the Reverend Douglas Lipton committed suicide in his garage.
When Honey heard the news, she was devastated, unable to believe what had happened.
The sheriff arrived at the house and had a talk with Mrs. Lipton.
When he was through, he went to find Honey. “Out of respect for his family, we’re going to list the death of the Reverend Douglas Lipton as a ‘suicide for reasons unknown,’ but I would suggest that you get the fuck out of this town fast, and stay out.”
Honey had gone to Embarcadero County Hospital in San Francisco.
With a glowing recommendation from Dr. Jim Pearson.
Chapter Nine
T ime had lost all meaning for Paige. There was no beginning and no end, and the days and nights flowed into one another in a seamless rhythm. The hospital had become her whole life. The outside world was a foreign, faraway planet.
Christmas came and went, and a new year began. In the world outside, U.S. troops liberated Kuwait from Iraq.
There was no word from Alfred. He’ll find out he made a mistake , Paige thought. He’ll come back to me.
The early morning crank telephone calls had stopped as suddenly as they had started. Paige was relieved that no new mysterious or threatening incidents had befallen her. It was almost as if they had all been a bad dream…except, of course, they hadn’t been.
The routine continued to be frantic. There was no time to know patients. They were simply gallbladders and ruptured livers, fractured femurs and broken backs.
The hospital was a jungle filled with mechanical demons—respirators, heart rate monitors, CAT scan
Christi Caldwell
Abigail Anderson
Emma Chase
C B Ash
L. J. Smith
Shelly Crane
Dog Heart
Dawn Tripp
June Wright
Amy Davies