up with all three of them after him. "I'm in," he said. "Fantastic," said Danny. "I knew you'd come round. Let’s not tell Fuller, though. He’ll only worry." The y drove to the house in silence. Joel stared out of the window and thought about the other men in the car. Paterson was alright, a tough guy for sure but not a psycho. He'd always act in his own interests but he wouldn't go out of his way to screw anyone else over. Reynolds and Danny were a different story. Joel knew that the main thing he had in his favour was their greed. He knew that the other three men all realised that there was no way the job could go ahead without him. Fuller had told them that the safe in the house had an added security feature; if the wrong combination was entered twice it locked itself down completely for twelve hours and triggered an alarm with the security company. Joel had tackled that kind of safe before and beaten it but it was way beyond the skills of most people. There was no way Danny would rely on the intimidation of the owner to get it open either; that was way too risky. The question was what Danny and Reynolds would do to him once he'd cracked it and they had the money. Joel had been in the game long enough to know there really wasn't any honour amongst thieves. What there was instead was common sense and a lightning fast communication network. Danny would know that if he did something to Joel and it got out no-one would ever work with him again. Reynolds might not be quite bright enough to put those pieces together but Joel thought that Danny would keep him in line. On balance Joel reckoned he would be okay. If Reynolds didn’t flip out and he could control his own rage at Danny.
They arrived at the house just before 8pm in line with Fuller's plan. Five minutes earlier and a mile away another man in a white van with the British Telecom logo on the side had pulled up next to the local exchange box through which the phone lines that served the dealer’s house ran. He opened the box, located the relevant cables and quickly and efficiently severed them. The property was walled with a large steel gate at the entrance. Paterson parked the car a little way along the road and asked them if they were all good to go. Each man nodded and was handed a latex mask and gloves. Fuller had given them a mobile phone jammer and Joel had it in his hand now. It was about the size of the second hand GameBoy he’d saved up for as a kid but with four thick stubby aerials poking out of the top. Fuller had boasted that it was a top of the line model, not like the thirty quid ones you could get from China on eBay. This was the real deal, effective up to a hundred metres and guaranteed to block any mobile phone as surely as dropping it in a bucket of molten lead. Joel triggered it as Paterson drove them up to the gates and then placed it in the pocket of the car door. Access to the property was controlled via an intercom or a remote control. Fuller's contact at the security firm had provided a clone of the remote. Paterson clicked the button on it as he pulled up at the gates and they parted to let the car through. There were cameras too of course, and as soon the gates had opened the guard would be alert to their presence. They needed to get to him and overpower him as quickly as possible. The guard operated out of a small office about fifty yards up the long drive from the gate. The house was another twenty or so yards beyond that. As soon as the gates were open Paterson accelerated up the drive and brought the car to a stop outside the low modern building that housed the guard station. It could go two ways. The regular phone line to the house was disabled and any cell phones on the property would be jammed but the guard also had a direct connection to the security firm he worked for. It ran through an underground cable and there was no simple way to disrupt it. One of the advantages of hitting a crook was their target wouldn't