he’s totally dense, he should figure out that you might like the same tempo .
Dear Dan: Is there any real use for pubic hair? My husband thinks it would be sexy if I shave, but I think I need the hair for a buffer.
Sick of Lady Schick
Sharpsville, Indiana
Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man Dear Sick: Pubic hair functions as more than a buffer. The close concentration of texture actually keeps a warm scent in one place and, according to an anthropologist friend, was nature’s original design for attracting the opposite sex. Whether your partner likes you hairy, hairless, or with heart-shaped pubes is purely a matter of aesthetics .
Dear Dan: My boyfriend has this thing for putting food you-know-where. I’m no prude, but most of the stuff ends up on the sheets, and I feel like I’m sleeping in a garbage pail. What’s the word on food?
Fed Up in Fruita
Dear Fed Up: Gross! Gay men don’t do this, and why should you? Tell him if he’s hungry to stop at Burger King on the way over .
Dear Dan: My husband has always fallen fast asleep right after he has an orgasm. Is there any way to keep him alive for round two?
Revved Up in Reno
Dear Revved: Even cars with the best mileage need to be refueled. His turnaround time depends on his age, probably more than he would like to admit. After an orgasm, his penis is still too sensitive for direct stimulation, but don’t let your hands leave his body. Gently stroking his chest, thighs and stomach will let him know that you’re still interested. Needless 164
Dear Dan
to say, setting the clock radio, turning off the light or smoking a cigarette are sure signs to call it a night .
Dear Dan: My boyfriend has said he would love it if I tied him up and drove him crazy. I can figure out the part about making him crazy, but are there any special things to do or say while I’m tying the knots?
Tied Up in Tulsa
Dear Tied: I’d certainly be curious to know what you would do to drive him crazy. While you’re tying him up, tell him about the merit badge you earned for knot-tying in Girl Scouts, rub your body against his, and kiss him where he’s never been kissed before to keep Mr. Stiffy at attention .
Dear Dan: What are some good lines for an Internet sex chat room, and how can I tell if the guy on the other end is old enough to vote yet?
On-line in Onancock
Dear On-line: Chat lines, by their very nature, are designed for fantasy, so go wild. Just make sure you don’t accidentally send one of your sexy sign-ons to the office E-mail. As for your second question, if he talks a lot about Winona Ryder, you can bet he’s barely got a driver’s license .
Dear Dan: I went out with this guy and saw his body for the first time at the beach. He was really hot, but his back 165
Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man and shoulders were covered with more hair than a monkey. How can I politely suggest he get rid of the fur coat?
Jungle Judy
Tarzana, California
Dear Judy: Get him a gift certificate to your waxing salon. Throw in a massage while you’re at it, so he doesn’t feel to put out .
Dear Dan: Help! What if I’m at a hotel and don’t have my usual nightstand accessories?
Trysting in Trieste (Italy)
Dear Tryster: Ask him to run down the hall for ice. In the meantime, get your glass of water ready, tuck your condoms under a magazine, and move the mini-bottle of hand lotion from the bathroom to the boudoir .
Dear Dan: Is there any way to keep sex fresh after being married for twenty years?
Hitched and Hot
Long View, Kentucky
Dear Hitched: The tips in this book will undoubtedly put a tiger in his tank.
We’ve always felt that your best shot at great sex is usually with someone you’ve loved for a long time. So test these tips, impassion your partner, and have a great time!
About the Author
Dan Anderson and Maggie Berman have been best friends for over a decade. They live in New York and
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