Association, the International Studies Association, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Chapter 14 draws from Eva Bertram, Morris Blachman, Kenneth Sharpe, and Peter Andreas, Drug War Politics: The Price of Denial (University of California Press, 1996); Chapter 15 draws from Peter Andreas, Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide (Cornell University Press, 2nd ed., 2009); and Chapter 16 draws from Peter Andreas, “Illicit Globalization: Myths, Misconceptions, and Historical Lessons,” Political Science Quarterly (fall 2011), adapted with permission.
Many thanks to my able research assistants who helped me enormously at various stages of the project: Angelica Duran Martinez, Patrick Endress, Sol Eppel, Forrest Miller, Jack Mizerak, Michael Skocpol, Emma Tennant, and Aaron Weinstein. Mark Blyth, Bill Frucht, Roger Haydon, Jim Ron, Joyce Seltzer, and Ken Sharpe gave me valuable input when the book was little more than a rough draft of a proposal. Joel Andreas, Richard Bensel, Nitsan Chorev, Rich Friman, Cathy Lutz, Tom Naylor, Herman Schwartz, and Rich Snyder read all or parts of the book manuscript and gave me much-needed feedback. Jim Morone was a supportive voice from the start; his commitment to scholarship aimed at a broader audience beyond narrow disciplinary confines is refreshing and all too rare. I especially appreciate his encouraging my trespassing into the study of American political development.
I cannot say enough good things about Dave McBride, my editor at Oxford University Press, who embraced the idea of doing this book even before I had written a single word. And when I sent him chapter drafts he showed that some editors still actually edit. Dave also generated reviewer reports at record speed, both on the initial book proposal and the manuscript. The helpful comments from these external readers certainly improved the final version. I’m also grateful to my agent, Rafe Sagalyn, who taught me much about the world of books. My biggest thanks (as always) go to Jasmina, for tolerating my scholarly obsessions more than she should and distracting me from them as often as she could.
Peter Andreas, Providence, Rhode Island
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