azote, hurtwort and milkleg. “Now I must witch someone,
for that is my role, and to flee one’s role, as Gimbal tells us, is in the final analysis
bootless. But the question is, what form shall my malice take, on this occasion? This
braw February day? Something in the area of interpersonal relations would be interesting.
Whose interpersonal relations shall I poison, with the tasteful savagery of my abundant
imagination and talent for concoction? I think I will go around to Snow White’s house,
where she cohabits with the seven men in a mocksome travesty of approved behavior,
and see what is stirring there. If something is stirring, perhaps I can arrange a
sleep for it—in the corner of a churchyard, for example.”
“BILL will you begin. By telling the court in your own words how you first conceived
and then supported this chimera, the illusion of your potential greatness. By means
of which you have managed to assume the leadership and retain it, despite tons of
evidence of total incompetence, the most recent instance being your hurlment of two
six-packs of Miller High Life, in a brown-paper bag, through the windscreen of a blue
Volkswagen operated by I. Fondue and H. Maeght. Two utter and absolute strangers,
so far as we know.” “Strangers to you perhaps. But not to me.” “Well strangers is
not the immediate question. Will you respond to the immediate question. How did you
first conceive and then sustain—” “The conception I have explained more or less. I
wanted to make, of my life, a powerful statement etc. etc. How this wrinkle was first
planted in my sensorium I know not. But I can tell you how it is sustained.” “How.”
“I tell myself things.” “What.” “Bill you are the greatest. Bill you did that very
nicely. Bill there is something about you. Bill you have style. Bill you are macho .” “But despite this blizzard of self-gratulation—” “A fear remained.” “A fear of?”
“The black horse.” “Who is this black horse.” “I have not yet met it. It was described
to me.” “By?” “Fondue and Maeght.” “Those two who were at the controls of the Volkswagenwhen you hurled the brown-paper bag.” “That is correct.” “You cherished then for these
two, Fondue and Maeght, a hate.” “More of a miff, your worship.” “Of what standing,
in the time dimension, is this miff?” “Matter of let’s see sixteen years I would say.”
“The miff had its genesis in mentionment to you by them of the great black horse.”
“That is correct.” “How old were you exactly. At that time.” “Twelve years.” “Something
said to you about a horse sixteen years ago triggered, then, the hurlment.” “That
is correct.” “Let us make sure we understand the circumstances of the hurlment. Can
you disbosom yourself very briefly of the event as seen from your point of view.”
“It was about four o’clock in the afternoon.” “What is your authority.” “The cathouse
clock.” “Proceed.” “I was on my way from the coin-operated laundry to the Door Store.”
“With what in view.” “I had in mind the purchasement of a slab of massif oak, 48″
by 60″, and a set of carved Byzantine legs, for the construction of a cocktail table,
to support cocktails.” “Could you describe the relation of the High Life to the project,
construction of cocktail table.” “I had in mind engorgement of the High Life whilst
sanding, screwing, gluing and so forth.” “And what had you in mind further. The court
is interested in the array or disarray of your mind.” “I had in mindthe making of a burgoo, for my supper. Snow White as you know being reluctant in these
days to—” “As we know. There was, then, in the brown-paper bag, material—” “There
was in the brown-paper bag, along with the High Life, a flatfish.” “The flatfish perished
in the hurlment we take it.” “The flatfish had
Murasaki Shikibu
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AE Jones
Lani Lynn Vale
The Secret Passion of Simon Blackwell
Louis Bayard
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Regan Wolfrom
Raine Miller