The Bathroom

The Bathroom by RoxAnne Fox Page A

Book: The Bathroom by RoxAnne Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: RoxAnne Fox
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boots. Bean was all black, and shiny, and extremely sexy. Her dark,
pinched eyes that hinted to an exotic heritage sitting in her porcelain
features fit the look perfectly. She looked downright perfect in her lean build
to be a dominatrix. Zoe would have never been able to pull the look off that
way. She was way too busty , too curvy, for latex to
look right; at least in her opinion she was.
    “So Zo what do ya think of my hair?” Bean asked making
primping motions. Her hair was normally worn down long, black, and very
strait.   Tonight, however, she had it up
in two strange twisty things that looked like horns coming out the back of her
    “I was more impressed with your gear.” Zoe said finishing up
on her own hair.
    “Yeah, I look good as a crazy dom. I even got a crop!” Bean
said, proudly holding the thing up. Zoe laughed at her friend’s enthusiasm.
Bean dropped the crop—which was attached to a loose belt so it hung freely at
her side—and propped herself on the arm of a chair.
    “Nice,” Zoe said as she finished her hair. “What do you
think of my costume?” She stood up, hair appropriately done up in pig-tails,
and posed.
    “You look like Brittney Spears in that video, but with brown
hair.” Bean said rather flatly.
    “No way, my ass is way better!” Zoe stuck out her rear and
smacked it. Bean shook her head as both girls laughed before Zoe sat back down
to finish her makeup.
    Each of them tucked some money and their ID’s away—Zoe’s in
her bra and Bean’s in the top of her boot—and left for the club.   It wasn’t far but Bean insisted on driving,
which to Zoe translated as, “I’m bringing a guy home and I don’t want to walk
back to your place to get my car,” so Zoe rode with her. They passed in front
of the club and Zoe could see people already going in.
    “Man Bean, look at all the freaks,” she said, staring at
them as they drove.
    “Umm, Zo you don’t have much room to talk being pressed
against the glass like that. Don’t you think it’s obvious to those people that
you’re staring at them? We are driving really slow .”
    Zoe sat up straight but continued to look out the window “Oh
yeah, oops.” It was then that she noticed a guy in a leather mask and pants
number staring back at her. “Hey that guy’s staring at me all weird like.”
    Bean looked to where Zoe was pointing before turning back to
the road. “How can you tell in the gimp mask?”
    Zoe glanced back as they rounded the corner, but couldn’t
see him. “I don’t know , he was staring at me though.”
    “Well you were staring right back at him Zo ,
so big surprise he noticed you. He’s probably thinking the same thing you are
about these freaks and now he is categorizing you as one of them, who is sizing him up like a piece of meat. You probably scared
him.” Bean laughed.
    “Hey, that’s not funny. He could be someone who knows me and
is wondering if I recognized him.” Just then she realized something, “Man that
mask idea is great, he can come here all incognito like and if anyone he knew was here they wouldn’t recognize him. I
wish I would have thought of that. We could have coordinated and I could have
been your slave girl.”
    Bean parked the car with both of them laughing.

    Inside the club Zoe and Bean saw more interesting people—there
were girls painted like cheetahs, people dressed as vampires, lots of tattoos
and piercings, even people who had scars in the shapes of stars, spirals, and the
like—but most of the people were the usual club fare. Hoochies in too tight, too little clothing and the douche bags swarming around them like
flies. The inside of the club was fairly typical too. It was painted black with
a high stage at a far end complete with a DJ, laser lights, a huge dance floor,
loud fast music, and a lit up bar on the other side. Zoe was thoroughly disappointed.
    “I bet even the decked out people don’t live a fetish life
style; they’re just one-nighters

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