The Beauty Detox Solution

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Authors: Kimberly Snyder
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three foods we were going to eat were fruit, salad and fish? Based on our Speed of Food Group chart, this would be the order in which we would have to eat these foods to avoid a traffic jam in our stomachs:

    In this order, all food can speed along our digestive tract and a traffic jam is avoided! We would wait at least twenty minutes after eating the fruit to eat the rest of the meal to let the fast-moving fruit get through. The salad could be eaten right before the fish so we load up on water, fiber and lots of plant nutrients first. With greens and non-starch vegetables we do not have to wait twenty minutes to eat other foods, the way we do with fruit. But now let’s see what happens when we switch the order:

    In this scenario, we are all backed up. The protein in the fish is sitting in our stomach, blocking lighter foods from passing through. Having fruit for dessert has created a bloating internal mess! The fruit is fermented by the time it reaches the intestines, where we need to absorb its nutrients. But now, there are barely any nutrients left to absorb.
    For your Beauty Detox, breakfast starts with fruit, veggie sticks or a green drink, even if heavier foods follow while we are transitioning. Juice is the purest food of all, since it is not a solid food but a liquid, and should always be consumed on an empty stomach so that it can be absorbed into the body first. If we eat some toast or hot cereal after the fruit, veggie or green drink, those heavier foods will not block the flow of the lighter foods through our system. The same concept holds true at all meals of the day. Since salad is faster moving than a roasted chicken and packed with good dietary fiber, we should eat a good portion of the salad first to help increase the speed of the entire meal through our bodies. Eating the chicken first will prevent the salad from digesting easily and will cause a major traffic jam. Dr. Ann Wigmore recommends that we “eat raw food at a meal before any cooked food. Otherwise the cooked food eaten holds up the digestion of the raw and the latter can ferment, causing uncomfortable gas.”
    Eating Light to Heavy at each meal will prevent any backup in our system and will keep us from squandering Beauty Energy. We must avoid a traffic jam from occurring in our stomach at all costs. We learned how this can happen in the last section with improper Beauty Food Pairing—it can also happen with eating heavy to light. The disastrous consequences from eating, say, fruit after a protein meal, or a green drink after an avocado sandwich, include fermentation, putrefaction, bloat, gas and weight gain. It will also rob us of our Beauty Energy.
    The Light-to-Heavy principle has an important bearing on our overall food plan. Most of us have been conditioned to eat in a certain way, and it has been ingrained in us that this way is the “healthiest.” Let’s take a close reexamination.
    Traditional Food Plan
    Popular Belief: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Popular Belief: Lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day so we have time to burn off the calories.
    Popular Belief: Don’t eat as much at dinner, because you won’t have time to work off the food.
    Popular Belief: Eat little mini meals throughout the day, every few hours, to keep the metabolism running high.
    We can see that eating according to this kind of schedule will produce significant backup:

    There are multiple traffic jams along the road when we eat this way. Our bodies do not have time to fully digest one food or meal before a new one is consumed. Bad news!
    It’s clear that the old food plan doesn’t work. We have to think about breakfast, lunch and dinner in an entirely new way.
    We’ve all been

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