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You can boldly approach God’s throne in prayer. How?
Believe in faith, trusting God for your healing.
Trust His promises to heal you. For example, “He [God] sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Ps. 107:20, KJV).
Pray boldly for your healing, knowing that in His mercy and grace, God’s will for you is to live in divine health.
Ask God to give you rest and peace. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:28–29).
For every patient with depression and anxiety, I recommend a list of specific scriptures that deal with peace of mind. Realize that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV). You are actually promised a sound mind, which is the opposite of depression and anxiety. I have found that when my patients meditate on and confess scriptures on a daily basis, both depression and anxiety usually begin to subside. (See Appendix A for Scripture confessions for peace of mind.)
A Bible Cure Prayer for You
Almighty God, in the name of Jesus and through His shed blood, I boldly approach Your throne of grace and seek Your healing power and touch. I know that by Jesus’s stripes I have been healed. I claim Your promise that You have forgiven all my sins and healed all my diseases. So I boldly stand on Your promises of healing, and I praise You for helping me to overcome depression with joy. In the name of Jesus, amen.
A Bible Cure Prescription
Overcoming Depression
Do you:
Rarely exercise
Exercise occasionally
Exercise regularly
If you are not exercising regularly, when will you start? What exercise program will you implement?
How many hours a night are you sleeping? How many should you be sleeping? If you are not getting enough sleep, what will you do about it?
Check the steps you need to start taking before you fall asleep at night:
Practice relaxation techniques
Eat a light snack
Other. Describe: _______________________________________
Chapter 7: Joy-filled Living With the Word of God
As a physician, I am trained to carefully examine my patients and prescribe any medicines or lifestyle changes that may be necessary. I have found that my most powerful prescription for healthy living can’t be found in a bottle or at a pharmacist’s counter. It has one exclusive source, and it is freely available to everyone. I am talking about the Word of God, of course. Joy and peace can come to even the most troubled minds when people discover new ways of looking at life based upon the truth of God’s wonderful Word.
Most depressed people have a very pessimistic attitude and are constantly beating themselves down with their thoughts, words, beliefs, and attitudes. Depressed people are usually in a pessimistic rut of negative thoughts that they cannot break out of on their own. That is why I believe it is absolutely essential for people battling depression to begin rewiring their negative thoughts with the Word of God. These biblical “self-talks” are extremely important in overcoming depression.
You may be asking, “How do I begin?” Begin to read scriptures aloud at least three times a day—before you eat your meals and at bedtime. Whenever a negative thought comes to mind, quote a scripture aloud to break the habit of negative thinking.
Throughout this book, I have inserted selected portions from the Bible as your Bible cure verses for overcoming depression. Before falling asleep at night, repeat or pray these scriptures. Do so again when you awake.
Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.
—Isaiah 51:11
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Declan Hughes
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Erica Graham
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RR Haywood
Amy Lynn Green
Matt Rogers