emotionsyourself. As soon as you feel a connection with others, your state of mind can improve.
The more we are feeling a sense of connection with sentient beings and life on the planet as part of the ecosystem, the healthier your heart will be. In fact, now there are studies that the number one risk factor for premature death from cardiovascular disease is hostility and resentment—what is called “cynical mistrust.”
One of the things that fascinated me and surprised me in my work as director of Mind-Body Medicine for [cancer] centers was the realization that—while we were encouraging people to develop the will to live, they found it too selfish. They believed that everyone and everything else should come first. And so, when I wrote up my research—because my patients were living longer—I had to conclude it was not the will to live, but that it was because they felt loved and cared for. That made the difference. When I asked these patients, as I would move from center to center, “What helped you and what didn’t?” what absolutely surprised me was not any specific coping skill I taught them that helped, but that they said it was because I listened, I cared, and I was sincere. Dr. James Lynch’s research and Dr. Dean Ornish’s research also were very clear that feelingheard and understood and loved and cared for literally led to an improvement with heart disease.
Co-creator Rollin McCraty tells a story of newborn twins to illustrate our energetic connectedness with others. Shortly after their births in 1995, twin sisters were put into separate incubators, a normal procedure at the time. But one baby’s heart rate was erratic and she was agitated and crying, unable to calm down or be comforted. A nurse decided to put the twins together in the same incubator. The calmer baby instinctively put her arm around her sister, who improved almost instantly. She stopped crying and her heartbeat and breathing stabilized.
What brings us back to balance, what really heals us, is the magnificent, beautiful power produced by the intelligence of the heart. It never goes away, it’s always there. Sometimes we go away from it, but we can return to it. And when we do, it’s what can help move us beyond these feelings of sadness, depression, brokenheartedness.
The power of the heart is love—love for yourself and love for others. Love is the fast track to a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Health is not only to be well, but to use well every power we have.
Heart of Love
Put your attention on your heart and think these words: Heart. Love. Joy. Peace. Happiness. Compassion. Loving-kindness.
Whatever idea you hold—peace, harmony, laughter, love, joy, compassion, kindness—this idea changes the energy of your heart. This idea shifts the heart into a healthy, coherent energy and rhythmic heartbeat.
Knowing that, put your attention back on your heart and try the contemplation again. Hold the ideas of love, kindness, compassion, peace of mind, and joy in your awareness in your heart. Hold each idea as if you are planting a seed. It will blossom and it will grow into the fruit of that idea. It will nourish your heart, your emotions, and your body.
13. Love and Relationships
Love is what we are in our essence, and the more love we feel in our hearts, the more it will be brought to us.
The basic energy of the universe is love. The energy of love is all around you and inside you.
Everything is energy. And the core essence of the universe is an energy of love or complete harmony and order. So, whenever you are experiencing love, you are literally allowing for that flow of that life-force energy. It reminds the core of you of who you are as energy. And it realigns the molecules of your body so that they function in a more harmonious way.
Love is like a radio station that’s always
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