Of course, parents want our preschool ministry to appeal to their kids with an attractive, fun space.They want décor and themes specifically designed for their children.But for parents to really appreciate all the hard work we put into designing our space, it’s got to appeal to kids while targeting parents.Here’s how to do just that.
Sweat the small stuff.After designing and building three different preschool ministry environments at our church, I know the temptation is to finish the décor and theme and think you’re done.The truth is that’s only the beginning.You need to give thought to the following...
Your check-in process is part of your preschool environment. Is it parent-friendly? Check-in should be fast, safe, and easy to do with a 3-year-old in tow.
The height of the sinks and the size of the potties speak volumes to parents. We’ve found that parents also like it when we place the coat hooks at a level where their preschoolers can pick up their own coats. This may not seem like much, but little things go a long way with parents.
A small side note on color: Be kid-friendly without being parent-repulsive. We use fun, bright colors but our preschool space never looks like McDonald’s. We always choose colors that are at least three or four shades away from primary colors. This way preschoolers still love the color scheme, but parents are attracted by it as well.
Keep it fresh.An additional way to make your preschool environment appeal to parents is to make it fresh.Let’s be honest, preschool ministry can easily become cluttered.Keep your area organized and clutter-free.Insist that the facility is clean.
Regularly go through the preschool rooms and toss out old games, torn books, broken toys, and the rest of the junk that can accumulate in a preschool environment.Then replace all the old books, games, and toys with new ones.Buy nice storage containers for all your preschool toys.Constantly look for ways to freshen and tidy up.
Our preschool ministry environments must be kid-friendly.After all, it’s for the kids.But by applying these two principles—sweat the small stuff and keep it fresh—we bring an element of appeal to our facility that attracts parents in big ways.
Anyone involved in preschool ministry knows that smells can be a challenge, and I don’t have to be specific to bring back a few “odor associations” as you read this.So be careful about your preschool ministry environment from parents’ and children’s point of view and smell, and welcome families by creating pleasant odor associations.There are many ways we can do this without utilizing typical odor-masking sprays that work by creating the absence of odor or, worse, by covering an awful odor with a powerful scent.
Remember that the sense of smell transmits messages directly to the brain’s area of higher learning.To utilize this powerful tool, create an environment that’s inviting and also intriguing.
Essential oils—Add a few drops of essential oil, such as lemon, lavender, or rosemary, to a spray bottle filled with water.Shake well and spray the room a few minutes before preschoolers arrive.
Food—If your Bible lesson mentions any type of food, add a food experience.
If you have a bread-making machine, bake bread just before children come; then focus on a Scripture that talks about bread, and let children eat the fresh-baked bread.
Telling kids about Jonah? Create instant atmosphere by placing an open can of tuna in a corner of the room.
If you’re talking about Noah, have kids experience the colors of the rainbow through smell. What do these colors smell like? Purple could be grape jelly, red—strawberries, yellow—lemon, and orange—an orange.
Nature scents—Hunt up cedar discs at your local sporting goods store, and place them around the room for a rich aroma.A small amount of hay in a corner sets the environment for telling kids about the birth of Jesus.
Become a habitual
Moira Young
Wiesław Myśliwski
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Neil Gaiman
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Stuart M. Kaminsky
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