Between Friends (Friends with Benefits)
rolled her eyes. “Did I or did I not get the man to admit what each of us knew all along: That the original ad was pure brilliance?” Cassie didn’t reply, so Julia leaned forward to look at Brad, who, as usual, grunted in response.
    I smiled. “You did.”
    “Thank you,” Julia cried. “Finally, someone with the balls to say it. No wonder you’re going places, kid.”
    I smiled slipped just a bit. “Where am I going exactly?”
    “That’s up to you,” Cassie said. “Either you’re going back to your office on the seventh floor or”—she paused for emphasis—“you’re going to London for the next few months.”
    I widened my eyes. “London?”
    “There are some international clients who are interested in what we offer here at Innovative Images. Of course, if they choose to do business with us, they’ll need someone to oversee their account…”
    My hand flew to my chest. “Me?”
    “Turns out Mr. Stein has some very powerful friends here and abroad, and let’s just say you were highly recommended to Valiance Corp.”
    My mouth dropped open and I forgot to breathe. Valiance Corp was a huge corporation that specialized in mergers and acquisitions. I’d actually heard talk of them opening a base right here in Oklahoma City. I couldn’t believe Mr. Stein recommended me to such high rollers; I couldn’t believe he’d recommended me at all. I took back all the mean things I’d said about him. Well, most of them. Stein still struck me as being one fry short of a Happy Meal, but that was something to ponder on another day.
    “So,” Cassie asked, “what’s it going to be?”
    I took a deep breath. This may be what I needed after all in order to truly move on from the craziness my life had become in the last few months. I needed time and distance away from this place… and the people in it. “I’d love to.”
    It would still hurt to leave Evan and Justin behind, but maybe now it would hurt slightly less since I’d have the wonderful distraction of Europe to help me along.
    I smiled to myself.
    I doubt it, but I’ll see.
    *      *      *
    Later that night, the phone rang. God, trying to avoid Evan and Justin was wearing on me. I couldn’t deny that I missed them both like crazy. I snatched up the receiver rather than screening, as had become my habit lately.
    “Hello?” Damn it. The hope was evident in my voice. I was feeling particularly weak tonight, what with being on the verge of such a major life change as moving to Europe. Could Evan and Justin change my mind and make me stay? Did I want them to?
    “Stacy… Hi.”
    I stared straight ahead as my breath caught in my throat. My ex-boyfriend.
    “You were obviously expecting someone else?”
    “No, no, it’s fine.” It wasn’t so much that I was expecting someone else—or two someones—as much as I’d been dreading… and hoping at the same time. However, Nathan was the last person I thought I’d hear from.
    “Good. I’ll make this quick.”
    Doodle began to bark as if he could sense Nathan on the other end of the line. He’d never cared for Nathan. What could I say? Doodle was a much better judge of character than I’d ever been, that was for sure. “Doodle, quiet.” The dog finally grew silent. “What’s going on?” I had to admit, this impromptu call had piqued my curiosity.
    “Sorry to drop a call on you like this. It was a last-minute thing. I kept talking myself out it, thinking you’d either ignore the call or, even worse, answer and then blow me off.” He paused a few beats. “Not that I wouldn’t deserve either of those things.”
    Damn right he would. But because I was a new me and totally unaffected by hearing his voice—which came as a surprise even to me—I simply said, “What’s up?” The old me would have practically swooned over having this man back in my life in any capacity. Tall, broad-shouldered, with dark skin and classically handsome features, Nathan had always been just my type.

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