Censored 2012

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Authors: Mickey Huff
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contention for other reasons.
    Sources: Evan Thomas and Pat Wingert, “Understanding Charter Schools,”
, June 13, 2010, http://www.newsweek.com/2010/06/13/understanding-charter-schools.html ; “Research Shows Segregation in Charter Schools,” US Fed News Service, February 17, 2011; Robert Holland, “Charter Schools Don’t Segregate,”
Times Union
, September 13, 2010, http://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Charter-schools-don-t-segregate-655727.php .
Censored 2011 #25

Prisoners Still Brutalized at Gitmo
    Update by Kira McDonough
    In Guantánamo, the notorious but seldom-discussed thug squad, officially known as the Immediate Reaction Force (IRF), deployed by the US military remains very much active. Inside the walls of Guantánamo, the prisoners know the squad as the Extreme Repression Force.
    Original Sources: Jeremy Scahill, “Little Known Military Thug Squad Still Brutalizing Prisoners at Gitmo Under Obama,” AlterNet, May 15, 2009, http://www.alternet.org/story/140022 ; Andrew Wander, “Guantánamo Conditions ‘Deteriorate,’ ” Al Jazeera English, November 10, 2009, http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2009/11/10-0 .
    Update: In April 2011, WikiLeaks released numerous documents revealing the continued torture and brutality at Guantánamo Bay Prison. The documents detailed the imprisonment and brutal treatment of over seven hundred prisoners that, even in the eyes of the US military/intelligence, there was no evidence connecting the vast majority to any form of terrorism, let alone terrorist threats against the United States and US citizens. Many prisoners were held for months or years after interrogators cleared them of having any connection to terrorism. At least a hundred prisoners were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, including psychosis, depression, and bipolarity. Those incarcerated at Guantánamo range in age from fourteen (thought to know some local Taliban leaders—a description that would apply to mostyouth in the east and south of Afghanistan), to an eighty-nine-year-old suffering from senile dementia, cancer, and other serious illnesses. Many people have been sold into custody and imprisonment.
    The Obama administration issued an executive order on March 7, 2011, allowing detainees who the administration claims are too dangerous to release but is unwilling to prosecute, the ability to challenge their detention before a new Periodic Review Board. Detainees will be able to submit documentary evidence every six months, but will only go before the full panel once every three years and will be assigned a “representative” by the military but are able to be represented by counsel of their choice at no cost to the government. This order still falls short of basic due process under international law.
    Source: “US: Indefinite Detention Authorized but Restricted,” Human Rights Watch, March 7, 2011, http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/07/us-indefinite-detention-authorized-restricted .
Censored 2011 Runner-up

America’s Secret Afghan Prisons: Investigation Unearths New US Torture Site, Abuse Allegations in Afghanistan
    Update by Kira McDonough
    US secret prisons in Afghanistan continue to exist under the Obama administration according to interviewed Afghans who were detained and abused at several disclosed and undisclosed sites at US and Afghan military bases across the country. They also reveal the existence of another secret prison on Bagram Air Base that even the Red Cross does not have access to. It is dubbed the “Black Jail” and is reportedly run by US Special Forces.
    Original Source: “ ‘America’s Secret Afghan Prisons’: Investigation Unearths New US Torture Site, Abuse Allegations in Afghanistan,”
Democracy Now!
, February 2, 2010, http://www.democracynow.org/2010/2/2/americas_secret_afghan_prisons_investigation_unearths .
    Update: The US military has denied that it runs secret prisons inAfghanistan, and has said it does not mistreat the prisoners it holds

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