Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty

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Authors: Mustafa Akyol
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( or hoca ) . “Teacher”; Turkish term for learned men, often religious but also secular.
    hurriyah . “Freedom” or “liberty” ( hürriyet in Turkish).
    ijtihad . “Striving, truth-seeking”; independent reasoning in the interpretation of Islamic law.
    imam . Prayer leader in Sunni Islam, often one in an official or governmental post. He plays a more prominent role in Shiism as a successor to the Prophet.
    Independence Tribunals . Arbitrary courts that Turkey’s Kemalist regime established to eliminate political opponents.
    intellectualism ( or rationalism) . In theology, the idea that God is rational and that His principles can be understood (at least partly) by the human intellect.
    iqta . Land grant from a ruler in return for military or administrative services by a client.
    Islahat Edict ( Islahat Hatt-ı Hümayunu ) . The Ottoman “Reform” declaration of 1856, which established full legal equality for citizens of all religions.
    Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) . A political party that aims to establish Malaysia as a country based on Islamic law.
    Islamism . A modern political ideology devising an “Islamic state” by borrowing from Islam as a religion but also from other ideologies such as socialism and nationalism.
    istihsan . “Legal preference” for the sake of the common good; a tool used in Islamic jurisprudence.
    Jabriyyah . “Proponents of enforcement”; early Islamic school that denied free will and promoted predestination.
    Jadidism . From the word jadid (new), an Islamic renewal movement in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Russia, in contrast to the conservative Qadimism.
    jahiliyah . “Ignorance”; a Muslim term describing the pre-Islamic period in Arabia.
    Jahmiya . An early and little-known Islamic sect with views similar to those of the Mutazilites.
    Jamaat-e-Islami . An Islamist political party in Pakistan founded in 1941.
    jihad . “Struggle” for God; not necessarily but often a military effort for the defense or the advancement of Islam and the Muslim community.
    jihadism . Extremist Islamist movement that focuses on military jihad , often by way of terrorism.
    Ka’ba . Literally, “cube”; the cube-shaped main Muslim sanctuary in Mecca, believed to have been built by Abraham and his son Ishmael as the world’s first monotheist temple.
    kadi ( or qadi ) . Religious judge or municipal commissioner ( kadı in Turkish) in Muslim lands.
    kanun . Sultanic law in the Ottoman Empire used to complement and at times replace Islamic law.
    Karaite . A Jewish sect that accepts only the Torah as religious law and repudiates the Talmud.
    Kemalism . Political ideology—devised by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his followers—that focused on nationalism, secularism, and “statism.”
    Kemalist Revolution . The political and cultural revolution in Turkey between 1925 and 1950 under the rule of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his followers.
    Kharijites . “Dissenters”; a militant sect in early Islam that denounced all other Muslims and waged war on them. Only a moderate form has survived to date, and it is very marginal.
    Khilafat Movement . A political campaign by Muslims in India to influence the British government and to protect the Ottoman caliphate in the aftermath of World War I.
    kufr . “Blasphemy” or “disbelief.” One who is in kufr is a kafir , an infidel. The term literally means “to hide by covering,” so a kafir is one who “hides” the truth even though he has seen it.
    laiklik . The self-styled official secularism of Republican Turkey; adopted from the French word laïcité .
    madrasa . “School” in Arabic; more commonly, a place for Muslim learning.
    Mahdi . Muslim messianic figure expected to return in the “end times.” More important in Shiite theology than in Sunni doctrine.
    Maliki . One of the four schools of law in Sunni Islam.
    Mecca . Islam’s holiest city, where the Ka’ba, the object of Muslim pilgrimage, is located.
    Mecelle (

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