Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1)

Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) by Ana Elise Meyer

Book: Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) by Ana Elise Meyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ana Elise Meyer
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basics, a double bed with a hideous floral duvet, a large box television anchored to a wooden dresser drawers with half the drawers missing. The carpet was an ugly green shag and had stains from, well, she didn’t even want to guess. Marie walked in and instantly took off the nasty hoodie and tossed it into the open door to the bathroom, its smell was on her and it was making her sick. She stood in front of the large TV. She could see her reflection in it. She instantly turned the TV on as she didn’t want to look at herself. She wasn’t even paying attention to what was on the TV she just needed to have some noise to keep her mind busy. She put her backpack down on the dresser and opened it up. She took out the box of hair dye. She opened it up and instantly began mixing it up in the bottle with it. Once she had shook it up she walked into the bathroom. It was all white, no clean white but it was probably supposed to be white. The pedestal sink had a large oval mirror above it. She stood in front of it and took her hair out of its pony tail. It had gotten quite long, Michael liked it long so she always kept it that way. She just kept glancing at the beautiful blonde hair Michael loved so much. He was gone and so should it she said to herself. She went back out to the bedroom and grabbed one of her knives walked back into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, she grabbed her hair put it back up in the pony tail and chopped the pony tail off. The long bundle of blonde hair fell to the floor, the remainder of the hair fell flat to her head. She felt her body growing weaker. She picked up the bottle of hair dye and she began to apply it to her hair, she was not focused she had no idea how much or where she was putting it she was just making sure she got all of it. Once it was all applied she was struggling to stand, she put the lid down on the off white toilet and sat on it just staring at the floor she couldn’t bring herself to look in the mirror or anywhere else for that matter. Finally the hair dye started to burn, she figured she had it on long enough. She unzipped the boots and removed them then she stood up unlaced her top and unzipped her leather pants, she dropped them to the floor. She reached into the shower, there was no shower curtain or door just a tub with a shower head. She turned the water on and stood there just staring at it as it ran from the shower head, as the steam started to rise she knew it was warm enough. She stepped in but her strength was failing. She instantly fell, sitting in this filthy shower and it didn’t both her. She just sat there holding her knees to her chest as the water ran over her body. The hair dye was running down her face and by now it was mixing with her tears as they were running down her cheeks. She glanced at her hands and saw it. She hadn’t looked at it once since she lost them but there it was staring back at her, her wedding ring, that beautiful gold band with that sweet little round diamond that Michael had given her the day they were married, the day he promised to love and protect her forever. Marie was shaking. It was all real. He was gone. James was gone. And she was alone. Her pain turned to rage and she began punching the grey tiled wall of the shower, over and over until the little diamond fell from the ring into the tub, she let it run down the drain. She just wept now blood from her hand mixed with the last bits of hair dye running from her hair. She just stared at the deformed ring and her bloodied knuckles, she would make them all pay for what they did, they would all die for this. A calm started to come over her, her strength was coming back. She stood up and turned the shower off. On the wall was a brown bath robe, she had no idea if it had been cleaned in the last century, but she didn’t care. She grabbed it off the wall and put it on. She stepped out of the tub and over the leather outfit still on the floor and walked into the bedroom and sat

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