Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice

you also know. Ours is a pretty small Community.
    • Do some additional research. Learn something about
the person you are considering taking on as a slave.
Listen for what you are NOT being told, as well as
what you ARE being told. Listen for unusual phrasing:
"Oh, gosh, sure I know lovelybod. Oh, I don't think it's
appropriate for me to say anything about her - that would sound too much like gossip, you know what I

    Because our Community so relies on personal endorsements, it's extremely important that you couldn't get
one for lovelybod. Your follow-up question might be:
"Oh, can you give me the name of anyone who could
give me an endorsement?" If your source now says
something like: "Oh, gosh, that would really be hard. I
just don't know....", you know that you've just unfurled
a big red flag.
    • Attend your local kink meeting with your potential slave.
How does he/she behave? Is he/she welcomed like a
person of high value, or like some gruesome plague?
Does this person appear to be surrounded by a closed
circle of friends (a clique?), or does this person mix
with the general assembly? In fact, what conclusions
can you draw about this person by the others with
whom he/she meets?
    Serious Warning Flags About a Person
    Everyone is human. We all have foibles and follies. But, if
you've run into someone who is exhibiting a number of the following traits, chances are that person is miserable with him or
herself. Someone who is personally miserable is really likely to
make YOU miserable. So tread carefully.
    • Uses "I" as often as possible
    • Is sensitive to (perceived) slights by others
    • Is jealous and envious
    • Thinks only of him/herself
    • Talks mainly of him/herself
    • Trusts no one
    • Never forgets a criticism
    • Always expects to be appreciated, always fishing for

    • Is suspicious of the intentions of others
    • Listens greedily to what others say of him/her
    • Always mentions faults in others
    • Does as little as possible for others
    • Shirks duties, if possible
    • Never forgets a service he/she may have rendered to
    • Sulks if people aren't grateful for his/her favors
    • Demands agreement with his/her own views on
    • Only looks for a good time
    • Loves him/herself first
    • Is selfish, if at all possible
    So, when it comes to searching for a slave, remember the
aphorism: When you don't know what to do, do it slowly.
    Chapter Summary
    This chapter focused on finding a slave. I gave you some
Internet links to help you find local kink clubs and a link to help
you locate weekend kink conferences. I suggested you consider
making up some non-business kinky calling cards, prepare a
Master's Resume, and consider creating a website to promote
your search for a slave. I supplied a series of questions that a
Master might ask a slave candidate and offered some suggestions about guarding yourself against a poor quality submissive.
I ended with a bulleted list of potential red flags about a person
you're considering for an intimate slave.
    Now, we're ready to move to the next chapter - beginning a


"It's not what you think about the relationship, it's how you
think about the relationship."
    Master Jim Glass,
Northeast Master/slave Conference, 2006
    When I attend Master/slave conferences, I'm struck by the fact
that most of these relationships are among older people - 40+.
Quite a population is over 55. This tells me a few things. First,
this kind of structured relationship may appeal more to people
who have been married once or twice; and second, personal
maturity also helps.
    Because a Master/slave relationship is still a form of relationship
- and holds the potential for excitement and fulfillment - people
sometimes let down their guard in the hopes that if they just overlook this or that little difficulty, the fit will be close enough to work
out. That's probably not a great idea.
    CPR -

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