The Age of Wonder
    Paris, John Ayrton, 283, 400, 434
    Park, Allison (née Anderson), 221-2, 226, 229, 231
    Park, Mungo: first expedition to Africa, 211, 214-17, 230; background and character, 213; kindly treated by African women, 217-18; robbed and stripped by Moorish banditti, 218-19; religious inspiration, 219-20, 450; return to London, 220-1; later career as doctor, 221; marriage and children, 221; second expedition to Africa (1805), 222-7, 231; given captain’s rank, 223; and death of brother-in-law Alexander Anderson, 225-6; writes farewell letters, 226, 231; final fate unknown, 228, 232, 381; journals and papers lost, 228n, 229; rumoured survival, 229; behaviour and manner, 230; achievements and influence, 232-4; Journal of a Second Voyage, 229; Memoir, 381; Travels in the Interior of Africa, 215, 217, 221, 233
    Park, Thomas (Mungo’s son): death seeking lost father, 229-31
    Park Street, London, 397
    Parkinson, Stanfield (ed.): Journal of a Voyage on…the Endeavour, 44
    Parkinson, Sydney: on Endeavour voyage, 11, 14; on Banks’s humanity, 15; drawings, 15, 48; troubled by flies, 17; on promiscuity in Tahiti, 18; on Banks’s quarrel with Monkhouse, 29; on leaving Tahiti, 35; death in Batavia, 40, 45; drawings officially appropriated, 44; journal published, 44-5
    Parliamentary Select Committee on Mining Accidents (1835), 375
    Parry, William Edward, 51, 232, 395-6, 404-5
    Paulze, Marie-Anne see Lavoisier, Marie-Anne
    Payne, William, 348
    Peacock, Thomas Love, 233
    Peel, Sir Robert: friendship with Davy, 403-4
    Peninsular War, 347
    Pennant, Thomas, 12, 40-1
    Penzance, 236-7, 239, 241, 268, 400 & n
    Penzance Grammar School, 434
    Periodic Table, 247
    Philosophical Magazine, 286
    Phipps, Captain Constantine John (later 2nd Baron Mulgrave), 9
    phlogiston theory, 245
    Physical and Medical Knowledge, principally in the West of England (Beddoes’s annual), 154
    Pilâtre de Rozier, Jean-François: ballooning, 129-31, 133, 148-9, 152, 161; killed on cross-Channel balloon flight, 153-5
    Pisania, West Africa, 214-16
    Pitt, John, 165, 182
    Pitt, Mary see Herschel, Mary, Lady
    Pitt, Paul, 165, 183-4, 202
    Pitt, William, the Younger, 138, 223, 252
    placebo effect, 314n
    Plato: on wonder, xx
    Playfair, John, 294, 315, 338, 369-70
    Pneumatic Institute, Bristol, 235, 251, 253, 255-7, 265, 272, 278, 282, 285-6
    pneumatics: as science and study, 245
    Poe, Edgar Allan, 464
    polar exploration, 395, 404-5
    Pole Star: Herschel identifies as two, 87
    Polidori, Dr William: travels with Byron, 307, 327; and Ritter, 330; ‘The Vampyre’, 327
    Polwhele, Richard: ‘The Pneumatic Revellers’, 273
    Poole, Tom, 265, 293, 353, 362, 401, 419-20, 424
    Pope, Alexander: Essay on Man, 322
    Porter, Roy: The Greatest Benefit to Mankind, 303n
    potassium: Davy discovers, 297-8
    Potin (Swedish scientist), 296
    Presumption: or The Fate of Frankenstein (play), 334-5
    Priestley, Joseph: friendship with Joseph Wright of Derby, xix; Banks recruits for expedition, 47; discovers hydrogen with Cavendish, 127; and early ballooning, 137, 158; Blake satirises, 143; library burned by mob, 199; and phlogiston theory, 245; on photosynthesis, 245; on transformation processes, 247; Marie-Anne Paulze (Lavoisier) translates into French, 248; considers nitrous oxide lethal, 259; in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, 328; Davy praises, 344; British Association drinks to health of, 447; Experiments on Different Kinds of Air, 127
    Prix Napoléon: awarded to Davy, 299, 353
    Provence, Josephine (of Savoy), Comtesse de (‘Madame’), 129
    Public Characters: Biographical Memoirs of Distinguished Subjects (series), 200, 303
    Quarterly Review, 317-18, 446, 449
    Queensberry, William Douglas, 4th Duke of, 177
    race: classification, 311
    Radcliffe, Ann, 53
    Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, 404
    rainbow, 319, 321, 323-4, 443
    Ray, Martha, 53
    Regent’s Park: zoological gardens, 404
    religion: and science, 313 & n, 317-20, 449-50, 459
    Rennell, Major John: ‘Sketch of the Northern Parts of Africa’,

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