anti-gibberellins-based hormone that is available from most good grow shops. It will help keep internode lengths short and promote female flowers.
Ozi Tonic contains tricantanol, gibberellic acid, propolis and vitamin B. The gibberellic acid can promote male growth, and females that grow from Ozi Tonic treated plants may have increased yields. Cytokinins Cytokinins promote cell division and leaf expansion, are responsible for morphogensis in tissue culture and are involved in the stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis. They are mostly produced at the tip of a shoot. They work very closely with auxins for plant growth.
Acadian Seaweed Extract is a common cytokinin product. It contains the cytokinin BAP and is used to prevent transplant shock.
Nitrozyme is another cytokinin product. It is easier to find than Acadian Seaweed Extract and is also used to treat transplant shock. Abscisic Acid Abscisic acid promotes seed dormancy by inhibiting cell growth. It helps seeds to synthesize storage proteins. It also slows down cell division and bud production. Abscisic acid inhibits shoot growth but does not seem to affect the roots. It is also involved in the processes of leaf wilt. Abscisic acid is an antagonist of gibberellic acid, auxine and cytokinine. It also plays a role in pathogen defense. Ethylene Ethylene is a gaseous hormone closely regulated by the plant. It stimulates shoot and root growth and promotes flowering maturation. It also controls leaf aging. For ethylene products see SensaSpray above.
Location Function Auxin Embryo of seed, meristems of apical buds and new leaves Cell elongation, phototropism, gravitropism, vascular differentiation, apical dominance and stimulation of ethylene synthesis Gibberellins Embryo of seed, meristems of apical buds and new leaves. Shoot elongation and promotion of cell division Cytokines Synthesized in roots and transported to other organs Promotes cell division and shoot growth, involved in leaf aging and sequencing Abscisic Acid Leaves and stems Stimulates stomatal closure Ethylene Node regions and senescent leaves and flowers Stimulates flowering maturation and leaf and flower senescence
ADDITIONAL HORMONE PRODUCTS Here is a list of additional hormone products that we have not covered already. Am inogro Aminogrow contains L form amino acids and is used to help improve plant vigor and increase resistance to stress, pest attacks, mold and fungi.
Checking your bud for mold is important. Immediately clip away any moldy bud. Humidity promotes mold. Fresh air is the solution to mold problems. Prevention is better than using fungicides.
Ethrel Ethrel contains ethlephon and is used to promote yields. Formula 1 Formula 1 contains a broad range of hormones and is used to promote plant growth and also helps nitrogen-deficiency-related stress. Power Bloom PowerBloom also contains a broad range of hormones and is used to control plant height and internode lengths, and reduce branch growth. It also promotes flowering. SensaSoak SensaSoak is a germination solution that is used to encourage the production of females. Superthrive Superthrive contains the vitamin B1 (thiamine) and is used to help prevent transplant shock. It also promotes good growth and plant vigor. Superthrive is popular with cloning techniques. Wood’s Rooting Compound Wood’s Rooting Compound contains indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 1-napthalene acetic acid (NAA) and is used to promote root growth in cuttings.
Remember when using hormones that you are directly affecting plant growth. Plants already produce their own hormones and sometimes adding hormones can have an adverse effect on your plants. Hormone treatment is mostly experimentation. The only hormone treatment that comes highly recommended is Superthrive (B1-thiamine), which is clinically proven to help cuttings root and plants survive transplant shock.
TROPISM It is difficult to talk about hormones without