their adult lives. Your Type 1 child is very capable of adapting to structured environments for short periods of time and learning to sit still and pay attention. The question to ask yourself as their parent is, “Are they being asked to do too much of this, which denies them of their need for more movement and variety in their life?” Your Type 1 child will let you know by how happy they are. When they feel sad for a reason you can’t easily identify, look for places in your child’s life where they are being compromised by too much structure. Messages your Type 1 child needs to hear in this stage of life: You are smart and brilliant, and you learn so quickly. You are able to create whatever structure works for you. You can succeed at anything that feels right and honoring of you. Trust your ideas; they are brilliant. You deserve to succeed. Follow what is right for you. You don’t have to do things that are not honoring of you. It is not your job to make sure everyone in the family is happy. We are in charge of our own happiness. Thanks for being so adaptable and easy to get along with. You never have to adapt to others if it is not right for you. You have a right to have boundaries and know what is important to you. Child Whisperer Tips to support this stage: This is the phase when Type 1 children enter school. Our traditional school system at large does not honor the learning style of a Type 1 child. If your Type 1 child is fortunate, they may have Type 1 teachers (or intuitive teachers of other Types) through the years who just naturally make learning more fun. If they happen to have teachers who demand rigid structure, stillness, or linear learning processes, your Type 1 child’s learning potential will be compromised. In this stage, it is very important to understand your Type 1 child’s learning style and work with both your child and their teachers to make sure they are free to develop their brilliant, quick-thinking minds and are not mislabeled in negative ways. I wonder what amazing ideas this world would be experiencing at this time of humanity if all the Type 1s who have already grown up had been taught how brilliant they are and how important and valid their ideas are. Talk to your Type 1 child and learn about how he or she feels about their life. Read them this section of the book or share this information in a way they will relate to. If you have not been parenting your Type 1 true to their nature by this stage of their life, you will be seeing signs of stress in their behavior and feelings. This is easily remedied by your being honest and accountable with them by sharing that you have not been honoring of them and you want to change that. This is true for the next stage as well! Type 1 children forgive quickly and adapt easily to make changes that allow them to start living their lives with a natural bounce and optimism. High School 12 to 18 years Primary Emotional Need: Separating and creating independence from the family.
In this stage of a Type 1 child’s life, friends take on a high level of importance. Due to their natural social orientation, they will make and enjoy friends fairly effortlessly. They are usually considered a friend to many more people than they even know. Their peers love their friendly energy and love being with them as they make things more fun and enjoyable for the friends they hang out with. Messages your Type 1 child needs to hear in this stage of life: You can have as many friends as you want. You can change your friends any time you want to. You do not need to please others to be loved. You do not have to adapt to others in order to be a friend. You can take all the time you need to grow up. We are happy with your choices. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay to change your mind. You can follow through on the things that are most important to you. You don’t have to act on all your ideas, but we appreciate you sharing them. Good for you to think things through