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Last letters from the living dead man,
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In advising you not to feed by blood sacrifices the elemental forces in yourself which crave that impure food, I am not inviting you to kill out desire. You will have to desire to purify your system from the material of dead animals before you will willfully cease to feed on them. The evil in you, the hungry fiery selfish nature, sucks up the blood that passes your lips somewhat as the evil beings above the battlefields suck up the blood that flows from the wounds of the fallen. If you have no further use for these creatures, you can cease to feed them with blood. You will never kill out your emotional nature by ceasing to eat meat. You will merely purify it. The whole soul-world is a world of emotion, and the pure beings of the elements are very emotional, but they do not feed on blood.
Yes, mind is higher than emotion, it is beyond emotion. You can have mind without emotion, and you can have emotion without mind to any great degree, as in the animals; but man is made of both. He is dependent on his middle register, his soul-desire nature, in order to work in the soul world as a growing entity there. When you reach the highest heaven you will be living in thought with only so much of the desire nature as you have raised with you by memory and assimilation. You can raise more of soul-dynamics into the highest region if you do not clog your feet on the road by desire for bloody food. Leave that to the demons who gorge themselves on the battlefields. During the reign of brotherhood which I am trying to help in bringing about, the race will subsist on a pure diet. Even now there is a tendency toward the elimination of dead animals from the dietary. The desires of the new race will have to be purified, their emotions raised and intensified. The emotions of a man are much more intense than the emotions of a lion. The emotions of a god are cosmic.
April 16
Letter 24
The Scales of Justice
Lest anyone should think that in working for brotherhood I am either knowingly or inadvertently striving to bring about a state of lax acquiescence in the wrongs committed by my fellowmen, by my brothers, I want to talk about justice. As one who has been a so-called Judge in a court of justice, I have had some little experience in the practical working out of a balance between mercy and severity. Justice is one of the gods that I have always placed high in my personal pantheon, and never in handing down a decision did I, through weakness or sentimentality, hamper the right of the good in order to pander to the wrong of evil. I have given mild judgments when most good seemed to be promised that way; I have given severe judgments when it seemed to me that evil would be best curbed that way.
Much nonsense has been talked and written about universal brotherhood, as about most of the other ideals of mankind. Universal brotherhood is not universal acquiescence in evil; it is universal acceptance of the ideal of good. And you will never have a brotherhood worthy of the name until you raise, not lower, the standard of justice. Justice is balance, justice is equilibrium between forces, justice is poise. It is because I hope to see a more poised humanity that I am urging men to concentrate upon love instead of upon hate. Since I have been stationed in Europe and in the immediate neighborhood of the western battlefields, I have helped hundreds of souls to help themselves through the terrible astral conditions into which a sudden and premature dropping of their physical bodies has precipitated them; but in no case have I tried to upset the balance between cause and effect by helping a soul to a freedom for which it was not prepared. I have let men suffer when I could have shortened their suffering; I have let many souls work out in the astral world the slow battle with their lower desires, because I knew that if they were plucked from the tree of pain before they were ripe, they would have to go through it all anyway and battle harder in another life with
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