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Sneak Peak 1
“What is it now Whisper?"
"The registration fees just came out of the account. We're broke."
Kat had just paid those, and it didn't make any since. The Felicity was just paid in full three months ago with the Earth Empire. Governments, never work they way you want and always take your money upfront.
Kat says, "I paid those three months ago."
"This was for the Guild and Conglomerate space."
She forgot about those. There are three powers that be and each controls a few solar systems of civilized space. Each also want there cut, and don't care for working together, unless there is an outcry for it. Even then it's hard to get them to budge on an issue together.
Kat had been careful with her money recently because her and Gravan were going to be settling down on a new planet soon. Raspiel was a planet on the border of Guild and Frontier space. With it still under development, it was easy enough to sneak onto the planet and setup a little town you can call your own. Gravan's friends Jack and Hanna are waiting for them there. They had sent a message through a secure channel Gravan and Jack set up, telling Kat and Gravan everything was set and ready for them to get there. They were still about a week out and in need of supplies for the stay. Supplies which they weren't getting now without the credits to do it.
Kat grumbles, "Great. We need to make some quick money, which usually means illegal. Whisper is Gravan in the armory?"
"He is. How did you know that?"
"He's my husband, and I'm getting to know him better each day. He's probably tinkering with his knives."
Fury says, "He is, and I'm helping him."
Kat had figured. Fury had someone to talk to about weapons and ammunition that actually cared to talk about it.
Artificial intelligences are just like any other intelligence, they want to communicate with something or someone about their interests. Fury was into weapons, and Whisper is into romance stories. Kat had heard more than her fair share of them since Whisper reads through them so quickly. It wouldn’t be so bad, but Whisper likes to go into detail.
Kat grabs the sides of the cockpit style seating she has on the bridge and heads to the Armory to talk to Gravan. It reminds her of her days in the Earth Empire Military. She had always just wanted to be in communications and intelligence, but one decoded message later she was getting trained in everything. Piloting was one of the things she was best at, and spent a lot of time in a cockpit.
The talk with Gravan she was about to have wasn’t something she was looking forward to. They both didn’t want to do anything illegal anymore, because it drew too much attention to them. They had a stolen ship, stolen AI’s, and had bounties on their heads. Most of the legal freight they took was just pick this up here, drop it there. Sign this. The illegal stuff was always more work. Hide this, can I trust you not to screw me, oh wait you have a bounty worth more than I’m getting on this deal. Then guns and blasters.
Kat reaches the armory and opens the door. It is a thirty foot by thirty foot room filled with shelves and storage. Over the last year and a half that Gravan and her had been together they added a little at a time to it. He was mostly into knives, blades, or anything sharp, but carried around a sawed off