Cheers racketed around the hall above the beat of music.
"Now, so much for the technology," said Teenie. "It is in your power to control the sphincter muscle. Oh, you say, no, no, not possible. Well, young gentlemen, I must inform you that it is not only possible, you can make it go round and round!"
Cries of "No!" and "That can't be!"
"Ah, yes!" said Teenie. "You can learn to control it, and in your study time in future days in the basement study rooms, I will make available to you a probe. It is a simple matter, no more difficult than finding the control points and discovering how to wiggle your ears. Ah, I see you do not believe it. And so, my courtly gentlemen, I have arranged a demonstration!"
She walked to the platform steps and mounted it to the music beat. The spotlight had followed her and now it fell also upon the two boys who stood there.
She put her hand on the shoulder of Too-Too. "This pretty expert has been trained and is much experienced." Too-Too looked at her adoringly, eyes bright in his painted face. It was obvious that the privilege of being touched by her was almost more than he could bear.
Teenie made a gesture and the two grooms started to strip "Too-Too and the son of Snor.
Madison abruptly understood, from his experience on the Blixo, what was about to happen. "No!" he shrieked. "No, Teenie, no!"
Instantly the guard was in front of him.
The electric axe was huge in Madison's face.
"Be silent!" snarled the guard.
Madison raised his eyes in prayer. Teenie's voice came to him. "Bend over, dear Too-Too," she said. "Now, grooms, make the lordling here stand upright behind him and do not let him move. Not a muscle!"
The orchestra played devotedly.
The boys behind the rope stared as the colored lights laced across them. They let out a concerted groan of interest.
"Too-Too," came Teenie's voice, "begin!"
Madison could not see around the axe.
Madison shifted slightly. There was a hole in the blade. He could just see the face of the son of Snor. It was wreathed in ecstasy.
"Don't let him move at all!" came Teenie's voice.
The bandleader gave a signal and the volume of the music rose.
The boys behind the ropes were standing with their mouths open in amazement.
The bandleader directed for more volume and the heavy throb was making the curtains jump.
Madison tried to see through the hole in the axe.
A boy in the audience said, "I don't believe it," in a passion-choked voice.
"Those grooms are holding him like a statue!" said his companion, wide-eyed.
Too-Too's horizontal face held a knowing smile.
The crowd was wide-eyed and panting.
Madison, staring, flinched at a scream of ecstasy from the son of Snor.
A moan went through the hall. It had the tension of sexual yearning in it, desire that throbbed as heavy as the music beat.
Teenie leaped down off the platform and sprang up the steps to her throne. The spotlight followed her and she stood, arms raised on high. The music was louder, heavier. She began to sway to the rhythm of it, scepter raised on high, golden crown flashing.
Her golden robe fell from her and she stood there swaying while the phallic symbols writhed upon her.
"Vassals and courtly gentlemen!" she cried. "Hear my Royal command! HAVE AT IT!"
They gave a thankful shout! Behind the ropes they fell upon one another like wolves in heat. The music and marijuana and the tableaux, the pulsing colored lights, had driven them mad with lust that no longer could be restrained.
The air above the roped-off areas was a sudden explosion of castoff jackets and other clothing.
The floor behind the ropes began to sink and with it went the sound of savage music and the lights, the stacks of sweetbuns and sparklewater and the cries of the boys.
A second floor slid over and the crowd was gone.
Chapter 10
Madison knew his time had come.
The servants were rolling the platform away-Too-Too and the lordling had scampered off into the orgy and behind the ropes had begun to hug and
Daniel José Older
Charles Johnson
Nikki D. Walker
Alex Douglas
Patricia Green
Justin Scott
Dawn Lee McKenna
Kit Morgan
Gilbert Morris
Chudney Ross